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  • ClenoX 100 tabs (40 mcg/1 tab.)

    Brand: Malay Tiger
    Кленоикс Clenbuterol tablets
    Availability: Out Of Stock
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    ClenoX by Malay Tiger (Clenbuterol) is used in bodybuilding or fitness as a fat burning, slimming or "drying" drug. Clenbuterol is used for medical purposes (they treat bronchial asthma), and is also widely used in strength sports due to its ability to burn subcutaneous fat.

    Clenbuterol is an adrenergic agonist acting through the stimulation of beta-2-adrenergic receptors. The action of Clenbuterol leads to stimulation of the sympathetic department of the nervous system and the launch of lipolysis processes - the destruction of fat.

    The components that are part of Clenbuterol can significantly speed up the process of gaining mass and strength. In some cases, the drug is recommended for use in cases where it is necessary to get rid of fat accumulations.

    Benefits of Clenbuterol

    • Based on research, the use of clenbuterol gives the following positive effects:
    • Fat burning, muscle drying.
    • Increase in strength and endurance.
    • Decreased appetite.
    • Prevention of muscle catabolism.
    • Slight anabolic effect (mild muscle growth).
    • Sufficiently low frequency of side effects (irreversible effects are practically absent).

    How does Clenbuterol work?

    No wonder the popularity of Clenbuterol is now growing exponentially. The main reason for its popularity lies in its wide range of effects that can be achieved with the right course. Of all the existing effects, we will single out the facilitation of the training process by stimulating the work of the bronchi. Moreover, Clenbuterol facilitates pre-competition preparation.

    It should also be noted that Clenbuterol is most often recommended to athletes in combination with synthetic analogues of the thyroid hormone. This combination allows you to significantly increase the final result of the course. According to the results of numerous studies, taking Clenbuterol affects the start of the processes of protein absorption by the body, which can significantly increase the effectiveness of taking the drug.

    Based on the huge amount of feedback left by bodybuilders who took Clenbuterol, the optimal result allows you to get a dosage that ranges from 160 to 240 micrograms. To avoid negative moments, beginners should start the course with the smallest doses, however, athletes with experience taking this drug can safely start the course immediately with 240 mcg per day. A fairly mild effect of the drug on the human body, as well as the complete absence of side effects with proper administration, made it possible for athletes to take Clenbuterol.

    Some Tips for Taking Clenbuterol

    To achieve maximum results from the course, for beginners, experts recommend taking a steroid for no more than two weeks. Such a duration of the course will allow the desired effect, while avoiding the body's addiction to the components of the steroid. Experienced athletes indicate that they managed to achieve the highest results for a course lasting 21 days.

    However, you should not start taking Clenbuterol on your own, it is best to pass the necessary tests before starting the course and take into account the recommendations of a specialist who, taking into account the experience of taking drugs for sports, the level of training of the athlete and the desired results, will make the most appropriate course duration and dosage.

    Combination with other steroids

    To enhance the effect, Clenbuterol is often combined with drugs such as Ketotifen or Thyroxine. Ketotifen has the ability to restore the sensitivity of adrenergic receptors to Clenbuterol, which allows you to enhance the effect and extend the course of administration up to 8 weeks. Along the way, ketotifen eliminates the mental arousal that may occur after taking Clenbutirol.

    Side effects and contraindications

    Clenbuterol does not have a toxic effect on the kidneys and liver, but it can cause some psychosomatic reactions - tremors, sweating, insomnia, nervous excitement. These effects are eliminated by Ketotifen or disappear by themselves after stopping the intake.

    Clenbuterol is a safe and effective weight loss and fat burning drug used by athletes to achieve optimal shape. Especially effective at the stage of preparation for competitions.

    Active ingridient Clenbuterol
    Purpose Cutting
    Suitable for beginners Yes
    Suitable for men over 50 Yes
    Suitable for women over 50 Yes
    Delivery area Ukraine

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