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Trenbolone Forte 1 vial/10 ml (200 mg/1 ml)

Trenbolone Enanthate in vial

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Why buy this product

Trenbolone Forte (Trenbolone Enanthate) by SP Laboratories is used by athletes to gain mass. Moreover, this process occurs quite quickly: for the course you can gain up to 10 kg. It is noteworthy that Trenbolone does not retain fluid in the body, which means that high-quality dry muscles will not go away after the end of the drug.

Trenbolone Forte is a strong anabolic steroid, which is often used to increase the strength and endurance of the body. It is excellent for burning subcutaneous fat. Trenbolone Forte (Trenbolone Enanthate) belongs to long-term esters. The drug is recommended for use by athletes-siloviks.


  • active half-life (days): 10 days;
  • use (men): 200-600 mg per week;
  • oil-based: yes;
  • retains water: no;
  • fragrance: no.

Steroid profile of Trenbolone Forte

  • the drug has a very high anabolic activity;
  • aromatization (conversion to estrogens): absent. Hmm, perhaps that is why it has gained such weighty popularity, because it is not able to aromatize into estrogens under the influence of aromatization. Those. By this I want to say that such side effects as: gynecomastia, fluid accumulation are absent;
  • toxic effect on the kidneys: absent;
  • hepatoxicity (liver toxicity): not proven in moderate doses;
  • method of use: injection;
  • drug effect: 8 days;
  • recommended dosages: 300 mg per week;
  • drug detection time: up to 5 months.

Effects of taking Trenbolone Forte

The hormone trenbolone is well known as the best anabolic steroid for cutting, but it is also extremely useful during the off-season periods.

  1. increases appetite;
  2. in an 8 week cycle, you can gain up to 10 kg of muscle mass (20 pounds);
  3. improves your strength;
  4. perhaps increased libido and potency, the opposite effect is possible;
  5. increases the level of insulin-like growth factor by 200%;
  6. trenbolone promotes self-burning of fat and by stimulating the secretion of growth hormone;
  7. reduces cortisol levels;
  8. increases the number of red blood cells.

Properties of Trenbolone Forte

Due to the effective composition, this steroid has many advantages and positive qualities. Experts remind that not all qualities of Trenbolone Enanthate are beneficial for the body, and it is important to understand this. The most important characteristic of the tool is its ability to:

  • accelerate the reaction of muscle hypertrophy;
  • increase the strength of the body and its endurance;
  • have an antibacterial effect;
  • burn fat effectively.

Application and dosage of Trenbolone Forte

On average, the course of taking Trenbolone Enanthate lasts in the range of 6 to 10 weeks. In this case, the dosage should not exceed the range from 150 to 600 mg during the week. Due to a sufficiently long effect on the athlete's body, there is no need for frequent injections. To get the maximum result from the course, it is enough to administer the drug only once a week. In some cases, in order to minimize the suppression of the production of one's own testosterone, experts recommend connecting Gonadotropin to the course.

Combined course

The course of gaining muscle mass, to increase physical strength, is taken according to the following scheme: 500 mg of testosterone enanthate in combination with 200 mg of trebolone enanthate once a week from the first to the ninth week. Then solo testosterone intake of 250 mg once a week and post-cycle therapy begins from the 11th week.

Side effects

The drug Trenbolone Enanthate has a powerful effect on the body. This indicates not only the ability to quickly increase muscle mass and increase the endurance of the body, but also the possible occurrence of side effects.

  • development of gynecomastia. The risk of the disease increases in people predisposed to it, as well as those with high sensitivity to the components of the remedy;
  • skin diseases;
  • baldness;
  • hair growth in unwanted places;
  • negative impact on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the development of concomitant diseases associated with an increase in the level of bad and suppression of the synthesis of good cholesterol;
  • an overwhelming effect on the synthesis of testosterone and its secretion, an increased risk of developing diseases associated with a reduced level of male sex hormone.
  • To a greater extent, negative manifestations depend on the genetic characteristics of a person and predispositions.

Due to the presence of potential side effects, trenbolone enanthate is not recommended for beginner athletes.

Origin of the drug

The history of trenbolone begins in the late 1960s, when it was first synthesized by the pharmaceutical corporation Roussel-UCLAF. Then the drug was supplied to the prescription drug market and was used to combat anorexia. Over time, tren was banned for use by humans, but continued to be legally used in veterinary medicine. The situation remained unchanged until the moment when bodybuilders noticed its properties and began to take anabolics for mass gain.


Active ingridient
Testosterone enanthate
Suitable for men over 50


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The information provided does not encourage the use or distribution of any potent substances and is solely intended to reduce the risk of complications and side effects. Consult your physician and read the instructions before using this medicine.

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Trenbolone Forte 1 vial/10 ml (200 mg/1 ml)

Trenbolone Enanthate in vial

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