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Testosterone mix 1 vial/10 ml (300 mg/1 ml)

Sustanon in vial

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Why buy this product

Testosterone mix from Cygnus Pharma known as Sustanon is used by athletes to gain large amounts of mass and increase strength. Due to the fact that the composition contains 4 testosterone esters (decanoate, phenylpropionate, isocarpoanate and propionate), the breakdown and absorption by the body occurs continuously and gradually.

Each active substance in the composition undergoes a thorough cleaning. For this reason, the likelihood of unwanted reactions will be minimal. The balanced composition allows each substance to turn on at the optimal moment when the action of the previous ester slows down, reducing the frequency of injections. The drug is administered intramuscularly, which allows to accelerate the effect and reduce the impact of the negative load on the liver. The composition also includes benzyl alcohol and peanut butter as auxiliary components.

Active substances

  • testosterone propionate (30 mg);
  • testosterone phenylpropionate (60 mg);
  • testosterone isocaproate (60 mg);
  • testosterone decanoate (100 mg).

Steroid profile of Sustanon

  • anabolic activity - 100% of testosterone;
  • androgenic activity - 100% of testosterone;
  • suppression of the axis of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicles - pronounced;
  • effects on the liver - absent;
  • detection time on doping control - up to 3 months;
  • release form - injections.

Buy Testosterone mix Cygnus. Delivery to Europe and the USA

Effects of taking Sustanon

  1. Muscle relief. Tense muscles after training quickly decrease in volume, creating high-quality muscle mass with good shapes. This is due to the active formation of protein.
  2. Protection from the so-called rollback. Thanks to a mixture of several esters, the muscles are immediately strong and after the end of the course there will be no reduction in muscle size and similar troubles.
  3. The athlete becomes more resilient. This is quite expected when taking anabolic steroids, but, nevertheless, an important bonus.
  4. Increase in appetite. This is due to certain hormones that are produced in the body when using this drug.
  5. Increased male libido and a pronounced sexual desire. Testosterone - there's no getting around it.

Application and dosage of Sustanon

The scheme of administration of this anabolic does not differ from the use of long-acting testosterone-containing steroids. To guarantee an even hormonal background, it is enough for you to put a maximum of 2 injections within seven days. The weekly dosage of the drug is 250-750 mg. The duration of the course testosterone mix Cygnus Pharmaceuticals is in the range of 2-3 months. After stopping the steroid, it is mandatory to carry out post-cycle therapy.

Combined course

The drug goes well with any steroid drugs. The most popular among athletes are bundles with boldenone, trenbolone enanthate, oxymetholone, parabolan. All these combinations are designed for active mass gain.

Side effects

Increase in body fat percentage. This is expected, since the drug itself causes an increase in appetite and fat deposits are much easier to get.

If the recommended dose is exceeded, acne (acne, pimples), baldness or active hair growth may occur. To avoid this, you need to sometimes do hormone tests during the course and adjust the dosage.


Active ingridient
Testosteron decanoate, Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Isocaproate
Improving productivity, Total weight gain


Delivery area
International, Ukraine
The information provided does not encourage the use or distribution of any potent substances and is solely intended to reduce the risk of complications and side effects. Consult your physician and read the instructions before using this medicine.

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Sustanon in vial

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