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Testo Mix 400 1 vial/10 ml (400 mg/1 ml)

Sustanon in vial


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Why buy this product

Testo Mix 400 by Magnus Pharmaceuticals will accelerate the achievement of goals in sports. The high concentration of active substances makes it very effective for gaining muscle mass and increasing strength. The presence of various types of testosterone esters makes the drug quite effective even with one injection per week.

Testo Mix works like all testosterone oil formulations, with the only difference being that you don't need frequent injections. It is worth noting that it has a very high amount of active substance per milliliter, the drug is best suited for athletes who already have experience in using steroids to improve their performance.

Steroid profile Testo Mix 400

  • anabolic activity – 100% of testosterone;
  • androgenic activity – 100% of testosterone;
  • suppression of the axis of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicles – expressed;
  • effects on the liver – none;
  • the time of detection on doping control is up to 3 months;
  • release form – injections.

Active substances

A unique oily injectable mixture of Testosterone based on Sustanon 250 mg and Testosterone enanthate 150 mg.

  • Testosterone Enanthate - 150 mg;
  • Testosterone Decanoate - 100 mg;
  • Testosterone Isocapronate - 60 mg;
  • Testosterone Phenylpropionate - 60 mg;
  • Testosterone Propionate - 30 mg.

How Testo Mix from Magnus Pharma works

The steroid mix is ​​a strong anabolic agent and requires the most serious attitude. It has a pronounced androgenic and anabolic effect, due to which muscle mass increases rapidly when it is used.

Effects of taking Testo Mix

  1. increases strength indicators;
  2. improves oxygen transport to muscle fibers;
  3. accelerates cellular regeneration - recovery processes go faster;
  4. the athlete's tone increases - the period between workouts is noticeably reduced;
  5. increased libido;
  6. the transport capacity of blood increases markedly;
  7. the drug, when used, provides the fastest rise in testosterone in the blood and maintains its concentration from 21 to 34 days.

Indications for the use of testosterone mix

The need to increase the volume of muscles. For a month you can get up to 6 kg of high-quality muscle mass.

Decreased intensity of catabolic processes. Each workout takes away a certain amount of resources from the body, which it is easiest for him to restore at the expense of muscles. The drug will block such actions.

Increased appetite. To gain the required physical form, the athlete needs to eat right, which this drug contributes to.

Improving the process of hematopoiesis. The bone marrow begins to produce red blood cells that deliver oxygen to our cells.

Testo Mix 400 is worth taking just because you can increase your own libido with it. The drug helps to keep the body in good shape, which is especially important during intense training.

How to use, dosages of Testo Mix 400

The mix of steroids, as mentioned above, is suitable for those athletes who have experience in taking AAS. If you are a beginner and decide to try a course on this drug, then it is best to do this under the guidance of an experienced instructor or sports doctor.

The dosage is usually calculated individually, but not more than 1200 mg per week. Optimal and not causing side effects is a dosage of 600 mg. The course must be carried out no more than twelve weeks in terms, usually its duration does not exceed eight weeks.

Side effects

Like any other form of testosterone, Sustanon converts to estrogen. For this reason, Sustanon causes side effects such as gynecomastia, edema, female-type fat deposition and inhibition of the production of one's own testosterone. These side effects can be prevented by the use of antiestrogen, preferably an aromatase inhibitor. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (tamoxifen, etc.) are connected only during post-cycle therapy.

As a result of a decrease in the production of endogenous testosterone, the development of such a serious side effect of Sustanon as testicular atrophy is possible. This side effect can be prevented by not taking Sustanon longer than 8 weeks and taking antiestrogen. Longer courses require the use of gonadotropin.

Also, athletes often report a fever and flu-like condition during the course of Sustanon. Like most steroids, Sustanon increases the level of bad cholesterol in the blood (it is prevented by taking Omega-3 throughout the course).

After the injection, infiltrates (seals or "bumps" in the gluteal region or other injection site) are sometimes formed. As a rule, infiltrates resolve in 2-5 weeks.


Active ingridient
Testosteron Decanoate, Testosteron Isocaproate, Testosterone enanthate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Propionate
Improving productivity, Total weight gain
Suitable for beginners
Yes (min dosage)
Suitable for men over 50
Suitable for women over 50
According to the doctor's prescription


Delivery area
The information provided does not encourage the use or distribution of any potent substances and is solely intended to reduce the risk of complications and side effects. Consult your physician and read the instructions before using this medicine.

Reviews on Testo Mix 400 1 vial/10 ml (400 mg/1 ml)1

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Классный сустанон!!! Куб ставлю через пять дней на шестой, по ощущениям можно и реже, длинный эфир работает как надо. Рекомендую!!!

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первые инъекции побаливали пару дней
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Sustanon in vial

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