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Stenabolic 60 caps (10 mg/1 cap)

Стенабол SR9009 in capsules

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Why buy this product

Stenabolic by Magnus Pharma also known as Stenabolic increases the level of metabolic activity of skeletal muscles. The main effects are a decrease in adipose tissue, an increase in endurance and performance.

SR9009 belongs to a class of selective peroxisome proliferator receptor (PPAR) modulators that are activated by this drug. As a result of PPAR activation, SR9009 can increase muscle oxygen consumption and increase metabolic consumption. This can lead to increased stamina, faster weight loss, and lower cholesterol levels.

At present, its efficacy and safety for use in humans have not been fully investigated, so its use in sports is prohibited.

Effects of taking Stenabolic

  1. helps to burn fat;
  2. increases endurance;
  3. reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  4. reduces inflammation;
  5. increases energy levels.

Medical indications for taking Stenabolic

SR9009 is not a medical product and is not officially approved for use in humans. Despite this, SR9009 is in clinical trials and may have potential applications in the treatment of various metabolic diseases, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. However, sufficient studies have not yet been conducted to recommend it as a therapeutic drug.

Application and dosage of Stenabolic

The daily dosage is:

  • 15 mg (1 capsule) for a person weighing up to 80 kg. The duration of the course is 6-12 weeks.
  • 30 mg (2 capsules) for a person weighing over 80 kg. The duration of the course is 8-12 weeks.

The half-life of the drug is 4-6 hours, so a dosage of 15 mg should be used at a time, a dosage of 30 mg should be divided into two doses with an interval of 12 hours.

Take the drug in the morning 1 hour after eating.

Do I need PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)?

Stenabolic does not suppress the natural production of testosterone in the body, so PCT is not required, regardless of the duration of the course.

Side effects

The side effects of this substance are not currently known (although some people have reported problems with insomnia). Animal studies show that it is completely safe. User opinions still confirm this hypothesis.

Since the stenabolic substance does not affect hormone production in any way, it can be used by women and does not require PCT.


Active ingridient
Cutting, Increase stamina
Suitable for men over 50
Suitable for women over 50


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The information provided does not encourage the use or distribution of any potent substances and is solely intended to reduce the risk of complications and side effects. Consult your physician and read the instructions before using this medicine.

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Стенабол SR9009 in capsules

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