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Provimed 20 tabs (50 mg/1 tab)

Провирон местеролон tablets


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Why buy this product

Provimed from Balkan Pharmaceuticals is an oral steroid. The active ingredient - mesterolone - is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone with moderate (even weak) anabolic and strong androgenic properties. The degree of function of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) is very high, which allows the substance to increase the concentration of free testosterone in the blood and improve the effect of other steroids taken on the course.     

Mesterolone completely blocks estrogen receptors in the body and thus slows down the conversion of aromatized steroids to estrogen. In medicine, it is a fairly popular drug. It is prescribed to patients with a breakdown, male infertility, psycho-vegetative disorder. Athletes, however, Provimed is most often used in bodybuilding after a course of strong androgenic steroids to treat the effects of suppressing their own testosterone secretion and its restoration. 

Effects of taking Provimed

  • Blocking aromatase.
  • Increased libido on the course of the drug.
  • An increase in the level of free testosterone in the blood.
  • "Drawing" of muscle fibers.

Anabolic activity of Provimed is at the level of 40% of testosterone, androgenic activity is twice as high (150%). Solo drug is rarely used. For example, drying to reduce body fat.

How to take Provimed

In medicine, the dosage of the drug with a decrease in potency or its complete absence, as well as psycho-vegetative disorders, is 75 milligrams daily. After the dynamics becomes positive, the dosage is reduced to 25-50 milligrams. The Provimed course itself lasts several months. With the formation of secondary sexual characteristics or hypogonadism, it is advisable to take a steroid of 50-100 milligrams three times a day (with a decrease in dosage after the formation of positive dynamics to 50 milligrams). Patients suffering from low sperm motility and infertility are recommended to take Provimed 50 milligrams three times a day for three months.

How do athletes take Provimed? The maximum daily dosage should not exceed 150 milligrams, and the duration of the entire course should not exceed 12 weeks. To prevent the estrogenic effects of steroids, take 50-100 milligrams of Provimed daily in combination with 10-30 milligrams

mami Tamoxifen. The same amount of the drug is recommended to eliminate such side effects as tren-dik, deca-dik, and the like. Although it is not recommended for women to take Provimed due to its high androgenic activity, 25-50 milligrams of Provimed daily together with 10-20 milligrams of Tamoxifen is very effective in burning fat.

Side effects

It is not recommended to exceed the recommended intake of this strong androgenic drug. The instructions for Provimed indicate the following possible side effects if the dosage is exceeded: increased hair growth on the face and skin, acne, oily skin, in women - virilization, changes in skin structure, irregular periods, an increase in the clitoris. If side effects occur, the steroid must be discontinued immediately. 

Reviews about Provimed

Bodybuilders note the absence of such "side effects" as aromatase, water retention, hepatotoxicity. Positive reviews from women about Provimed indicate that in moderate dosages and a shortened course, it can be included in the training of those athletes who urgently need to lose weight and / or reduce body fat.

Reviews of Provimed when used in combined courses indicate that the drug in a short time restores the body's secretion of its own testosterone.


Active ingridient
Increase free testosterone
Suitable for beginners
Suitable for men over 50


Delivery area
International, Ukraine
The information provided does not encourage the use or distribution of any potent substances and is solely intended to reduce the risk of complications and side effects. Consult your physician and read the instructions before using this medicine.

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Provimed 20 tabs (50 mg/1 tab)

Провирон местеролон tablets

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