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Pharma Prim 100 1 vial/10 ml (100 mg/1 ml)

Drostanolone Propionate in vial

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Why buy this product

Pharma Prim 100 (Drostanolone Propionate) by Pharmacom Labs is suitable for both cutting and mass-gaining cycles; in both cases it will be responsible for faster recovery and growth of lean and dense muscle mass.

Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron Propionate) is an anabolic steroid with moderate but very low androgenic effects and incredible versatility. It is often combined with other (usually stronger) steroids to produce faster and stronger effects.

Steroid profile Pharma Prim 100

  • anabolic activity (88%);
  • androgenic activity (44%);
  • the activity of the substance is 5-7 days;
  • method of application: by injection;
  • dosage: men 300-800 mg for 7 days; women 25-50 mg for 7 days;
  • water retention: low;
  • high blood pressure: sometimes;
  • hepatotoxicity: low;
  • aromatase: no;
  • progestogenic activity: no;
  • dht (dehydrotestosterone) conversion: no;
  • decreased hpta function (production of your own testosterone): yes;
  • detection time - 14 days (approximately, since the doping commission is constantly looking for new and improving methods for detecting prohibited substances, it also depends on the athlete using the drug, whether he uses phenobarbital and furosemide to speed up the withdrawal of the drug).

Effects of taking Pharma Prim 100

Masternon Propionate has gained wide popularity due to its properties not to affect the accumulation of fluid - and a fairly moderate diuretic result, which allows you to achieve excellent muscle definition.

  • muscle stimulation after heavy sports training;
  • helps maintain muscle stretch with less pain;
  • improves blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • promotes rapid recovery of the body after excessive stress during training.

Pharma Prim 100 is recommended for those who engage in heavy strength training.

Application and dosage of Pharma Prim 100

  • The course for drying, relief and mass preservation lasts 4 weeks. A safe dosage is 400 mg weekly. Injections are given once, every 2 days, usually into the gluteal muscle;
  • for athletes, swimmers and representatives of combat sports, a weekly amount of 200 mg is sufficient. Drostanolone Propionate does not allow conversion to estrogens;
  • Thus, a person receives good muscle elasticity, their relief and hardness. There may also be contraindications for use, but very rarely;
  • You can take about 100-150 milligrams three times a week;
  • longer courses of Drostanolone Propionate, despite all the safety and mildness of the drug, still require post-cycle therapy with Clomid to normalize hormonal levels.

Combined course

For the purpose of mass gain, Drostanolone Propionate is combined with Nandrolone, Sustanon, Danabol, and for drying purposes - with Winstrol Stanozolol.

PCT after a course of Drostanolone Propionate

This is a fairly easy drug. Thanks to this, athletes do not need to undergo strong rehabilitation therapy after its discontinuation. Take 20 mg Tamoxifen or 50 mg Clomiphene citrate for 2-3 weeks.

Side effects

Drostanolone Propionate is contraindicated in persons with chronic liver and kidney diseases. With reasonable dosages and the correct duration of cycles, the drug is practically harmless and does not affect internal organs.

Due to the low anabolic index, androgenic reactions may occur. Therefore, after taking a steroid, the phenomenon of decreased hair growth, prostate hypertrophy, increased signs of aggression, and virilization may be observed.

For women, taking Drostanolone Propionate in large quantities may entail a risk of virilization. Hormonal disruption, deterioration of skin condition, and appearance of facial hair may also occur.

What other drugs will affect Pharma Prim 100

Drostanolone Propionate may interact with other drugs as follows:

  • Anabolics and Androgens: Drostanolone Propionate can be combined with other anabolic steroids such as testosterone, trenbolone and deca-durabolin to enhance the effect;
  • antiestrogens: Drostanolone Propionate does not aromatize into estrogen, therefore does not require the use of antiestrogens;
  • Progestins: Drostanolone Propionate may enhance the effects of progestins such as norethisterone and clomiphene;
  • aromatase inhibitors (AAIs): AAIs may reduce estrogen levels, which may reduce the effectiveness of drostanolone;
  • hepatotoxic drugs: Drostanolone Propionate may have a toxic effect on the liver, so it should not be combined with other hepatotoxic drugs such as alcohol and paracetamol.


Active ingridient
Drostanolone Propionate
Suitable for beginners
Yes (min dosage)
Suitable for men over 50
Suitable for women over 50
According to the doctor's prescription


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The information provided does not encourage the use or distribution of any potent substances and is solely intended to reduce the risk of complications and side effects. Consult your physician and read the instructions before using this medicine.

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Drostanolone Propionate in vial

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