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Eurotropin EPF 1 vial 10 ml (100 iu)

Евротропин Somatropin фо флаконе


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Why buy this product

Eurotropin EPF is a recombinant growth hormone that is completely identical to its endogenous analog in the human body. Chemically, it is a peptide hormone (polypeptide) of the anterior pituitary gland. It is used by athletes mainly for the purpose of high-quality growth and the formation of muscle relief (but it can have the broadest sports and medical purpose from stimulating linear growth to strengthening bones).

Vial volume of 10 ml, containing 100 units of growth hormone in liquid form.

Today Eurotropin from Euro Prime Farmaceuticals is one of those drugs that, when combined with steroids, can turn you into a real muscle monster! Anti-counterfeiting protection is present. It is simply necessary to buy Eurotropin if you want to strengthen bones, ligaments and joints, strengthen immunity and gain high-quality muscle mass.

Benefits of using Eurotropin EPF

  • reduces body fat - catalyzes lipolysis;
  • increases physical strength and increases muscle mass;
  • gives a sense of a sense of well-being;
  • stabilizes and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • has a tonic effect, rejuvenates the body;
  • improves brain activity;
  • leads to the resumption of regeneration and development of some organs that could atrophy with age;
  • improve the condition of the skin, reduce wrinkles;
  • stimulates the production of bone marrow cells that produce red blood cells;
  • improves the condition of bone tissue;
  • strengthens the immune system.

How to use Eurotropin EPF?

It is taken from 3 units of eggs per day, not less than 3-4 months .

Didn't find an answer why? Because during the first 2 months, in a large number of cases, side effects manifest themselves and high dosages only increase them.

Pobochki - This "prime the" (fluid retention org anizme) and "tunnel syndrome." (minor pain in the wrist joint, including fingers). Is it unlikely that it would be smart to take an expensive growth hormone in order to make your hand hurt and hurt?

After 2 months (some earlier, some later) the side effects disappear and the effect of the hormone can be felt in full force.


Active ingridient
Muscle relief, Cutting
Suitable for beginners
Yes (min dosage)
Suitable for men over 50
According to the doctor's prescription
Suitable for women over 50
According to the doctor's prescription


Delivery area
The information provided does not encourage the use or distribution of any potent substances and is solely intended to reduce the risk of complications and side effects. Consult your physician and read the instructions before using this medicine.

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Eurotropin EPF 1 vial 10 ml (100 iu)

Евротропин Somatropin фо флаконе

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