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Equipoise 1 vial/10 ml (200 mg/1 ml)

Эквипойз Boldenone undecylenate in vial

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Why buy this product

Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate) by SP Laboratories is used by athletes in the off-season as a steroid to gain quality lean muscle mass and increase strength. Also, the drug helps to increase endurance, which makes it especially popular among athletes, track and field athletes, skiers, etc.

A high anabolic index with a moderate androgenic level makes Equipoise one of the indispensable sports pharmacology drugs for female athletes when used correctly. Moderate aromatization causes approximately half of the testosterone level to be converted to estradiol - thus, the risk of developing "estrogenic" side effects in Boldenone is much lower than in testosterone.

Steroid profile of Equipoise

  • androgenic index - 50;
  • anabolic index - 100;
  • estrogenic activity is low;
  • progestogenic activity - very low;
  • elimination half-life - 14 days;
  • toxicity to the liver - no;
  • the drug withdrawal period is 4-5 months.

Effects of taking Equipoise

  1. a set of muscle mass. There is a slow but qualitative increase in muscle volume. The nature of the effect is determined by the length of the ether: in the case of using acetate or propionate of boldenone, hypertrophy will occur much faster;
  2. increase in strength indicators. An effect that is almost always accompanied by an increase in the weight of the athlete;
  3. increased appetite;
  4. increase in red blood cells. The drug stimulates the formation of red blood cells. Thus, the muscles receive more oxygen, can work more productively without the formation of lactic acid. The endurance of the athlete increases. Boldenone is often used by track and field athletes, skiers and other endurance athletes.

Application and dosage of Equipoise

Quite often, boldenone is combined with other anabolic steroids (testosterone propionate, trenbolone enanthate, stanozolol, parabolan and others), thereby achieving a synergistic effect.

The average course of boldenone solo lasts from 8 to 10 weeks, 400-800 mg of the drug once a week for men, 50-100 mg for women. You can start taking it with a lower dosage in order to feel the effect of the drug and take appropriate measures if adverse reactions occur.

Boldenone, due to its low aromatization and ability to enhance the venous pattern, is quite often used during the “drying” period, however, the greatest effect from taking the drug can be achieved during the mass gain course, because then you can fully use the ability of boldenone to increase appetite .

Side effects

When regulating the duration of the course and dosages, the risk of negative effects on the body is completely absent.

Possible side effects:

  • provokes the growth of "bad" cholesterol in the blood;
  • prostate enlargement;
  • acne, acne;
  • baldness;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disturbance.

In women, the possible androgenic side effects of boldenone undecylenate fall under the category of virilization. This includes:

  • depth of voice
  • enlarged clitoris;
  • unwanted body hair.

Origin of the drug

The product has been around since the 1940s and is still very popular. It was once used only by veterinarians, but in the 1950s Ciba introduced it as suitable for human use. The name of the product at that time was Parembole. It was used in the fields of medicine until the 1970s.


Active ingridient
Boldenon Undecylenate
A set of quality mass
Suitable for beginners
Suitable for men over 50
Suitable for women over 50
According to the doctor's prescription


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The information provided does not encourage the use or distribution of any potent substances and is solely intended to reduce the risk of complications and side effects. Consult your physician and read the instructions before using this medicine.

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Equipoise 1 vial/10 ml (200 mg/1 ml)

Эквипойз Boldenone undecylenate in vial

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