Cut-Stack 1 vial/10 ml (150 mg/1 ml)
Cut-Stack Steroid mix in vial
In Stock
€ 65
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Store rating 4.7 / 5 based on 63 reviews from our customers.
- Why buy this product
SP Cut-Stack by SP Laboratories is a relatively new product. The composition of the drug includes a mixture of three short esters of trenbolone, testosterone and drostanolone. This combo works great when you need to gain lean muscle mass and burn excess fat in a relatively short amount of time.
Each component of the steroid is responsible for a specific effect. Testosterone propionate promotes muscle building and allows you to save it. Drostanolone propionate promotes the removal of excess fluid from muscle tissues, allows you to draw a pronounced relief and bring the physical form to the desired look. Trenbolone acetate is characterized by a fat burning effect. It is often used for cutting, eliminating excess subcutaneous fat deposits without reducing strength. Despite the fat-burning effect of the steroid, it should be used by athletes with normal body weight.
One bottle of Cut-Stack 150 mg contains:
- Testosterone Propionate 50 mg;
- Drostanolone Propionate 50 mg;
- Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg.
- elimination half-life (days): 2 to 3 days;
- group: anabolic steroids;
- use (men): 400-900 mg per week;
- oil base: yes;
- retains water: no;
- fragrance: no.
Effects of Taking Cut-Stack
- muscle building;
- body relief and venous drawing;
- increased hardness and dryness of muscles;
- minimal rollback after a course of a steroid;
- increase in strength, endurance and speed.
Application and dosage of Cut-Stack
Most often, athletes use the Sp Cut-Stack 150 course on a solo course. The average duration of the course is 6-9 weeks. Experienced athletes can increase it to 12 weeks, but then from the middle of the course (week 6), you need to start administering gonadotropin to preserve the work of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testes arc. The optimal single dosage is 150 mg. The steroid should be injected 3 times a week intramuscularly. The allowable weekly dose is 450 mg. Professional athletes who are not taking the course for the first time can increase the weekly dose to 600 mg.
PCT after a course of Cut-Stack
Maintaining a normal level of hormones should begin already on the course of the drug. In order to avoid the effect of aromatase, it is recommended to connect a special drug that will cope with its manifestation. The most effective aromatase inhibitor is Anastrozole. After leaving the course, restorative therapy begins, which consists in the use of drugs such as Clomid and Cabergoline. Do not use Tamoxifen. Reception of funds must be arranged for the next four weeks. At the end of therapy, all systems in the body will return to normal, and the hormonal background will improve its work.
Side effects
The steroid mix Sp Cut-Stack 150, subject to all prescribed dosages and duration of the course, does not show any side effects. But if the athlete showed independence and violated the recommendations, then the body can respond with such troubles as:
- acne
- baldness;
- insomnia;
- increased blood pressure;
- aches and pain in the joints;
- unstable nervous and mental state.
- Active ingridient
- Drostanolone Propionate, Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate
- Suitable for beginners
- Yes
- Delivery area
- Ukraine
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