Clomed 20 tabs (50 mg/1 tab)
Clomiphene tablets
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- Why buy this product
Clomed from Balkan Pharmaceuticals is an estrogen receptor modulator, gonadotropin stimulant. It is used by bodybuilding and powerlifting athletes to restore testosterone levels after taking anabolic drugs and suppress estrogen production. Clomid resembles estrogen in chemical composition and properties, acts on estrogen receptors in the ovaries and pituitary gland and causes a surge in releasing hormone activity.
Clomid (Clomiphene citrate), today this drug is one of the most famous among athletes. Despite the fact that it is not characterized by an anabolic effect on the body, it allows you to effectively neutralize the negative consequences associated with taking steroids.
Characteristics of Clomid
- Increased protein synthesis and increased hypertrophy (growth) of muscle fibers, that is, the anabolic effect of the drug is 88% of the main male sex hormone;
- Androgenic effect, that is, the ability of the drug to cause such phenomena as masculinization and virilization, is 44% of testosterone, which makes the drug more preferable for the female;
- Hepatotoxicity from primobolan is rather mild, with a mild effect on the liver;
- The period of time for which it will be possible to detect the drug in human blood is up to 100 days from the time of taking methenolone in the form of tablets and up to six months when taking Primobolan in the form of injections.
- The serum concentration of the substance (total content in the body) is halved - from 5 to 20 hours in the form of tablets and from 4 to 7 days in the form of an injection;
- Method of application - oral
- In addition, Primo does not aromatize, so there is no need to use aromatase inhibitors. At the same time, the risk of breast enlargement with concomitant hypertrophy of glands and adipose tissue is reduced to zero.
Benefits and effects of Clomid
Basically, Clomid is used by athletes after a course of therapy. The fact is that the active components of the drug penetrating into the body of an athlete have a positive effect on the normalization of hormonal levels. Moreover, a correctly drawn up regimen and dosage allows the athlete to get the following results from the course, namely:
- Preservation of the gained mass obtained from the course of taking anabolic steroids;
- Normalization of hormonal levels;
- Reduction of catabolic processes occurring in the body to a minimum;
- Removal of excess fluid from the body;
- Improving the quality of sexual life;
- Improving the overall health of the athlete.
Why are antiestrogens needed?
Such substances are the best companions of bodybuilders, which are used for the best results, anabolic-androgenic steroids. The fact is that while taking steroids, the human body ceases to independently produce its testosterone. This arises because there is no need for this, because it begins to come from the outside, and even in significant quantities, because the body does not consider it necessary to waste resources once again.
As a result, all the activity of a necessary important arc begins to descend intensively, it will go downward, plunging into a real pit, and the longer this course lasts, the more intensively this arc will stall. The degree of neglect of this arc depends on the state and balance of important hormones for the body. And if at least one of them the level is higher than the rest, then the arc will sink deeper and deeper into sleep. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor and monitor constantly the indicators of such hormones during the course.
You will need to do tests, have supporters around you all the time.
It should be understood that the more the arc "falls asleep" the longer and harder it will need to be awakened. This will require a lot of effort and effort, so that independent production finally recovers. The faster you come to the desired level of your hormone, the better after the course your appearance and condition of your body will be, and at the same time, strength and muscles will no longer be lost faster. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to such moments and devote maximum time to this.
Anti-estrogens are also needed, because they are needed by athletes, heavy weight athletes who are involved in bodybuilding. Antiestrogens are drugs such as clomiphene citrate, tamoxifen, and torimifen. We will not touch on the last two, and it is generally recommended to remove the second from the list, since it is considered the dirtiest. And if you take tamoxifen, you can get more harm than good, and therefore it is better to postpone it altogether and take other more effective and harmless drugs. Clomid is recommended for everyone who plays sports, of course, it may seem expensive to some, however, despite this, it is harmless and effective in comparison with other drugs.
Features of Clomid
In order to restore the body and start the independent production of the hormone again, many athletes drink various dietary supplements after a course of therapy. Usually these are different herbs and tribulus, as well as other similar ones. And this is fundamentally wrong, because after such a course of AAS, the body extremely quickly needs to restore and replenish the necessary hormones, the level of the necessary hormone will depend on their amount. Clomid can directly affect LH and FSH indicators, in addition , it connects to receptors. Therefore, after making a blood test, you can see that there is a lot of estrogen in the blood, but most of it is simply inactive.
Immediately at the beginning of taking this drug, FSH and LH values soar up to high levels, and with it, testosterone levels improve. Almost already in the first weeks of admission, the required testosterone level can be obtained, and the levels of FSH and LH after drug withdrawal return to their previous values. Everything is individual with respect to the number of weeks, someone can recover in a couple of weeks, and someone will need to spend a couple of months on it.
How to take Clomid
The dosage of the drug is determined depending on the condition and degree of the course. And depending on how many drugs were used during the course, and the stronger they were, and their power was, the longer it will take accordingly to recover. This means that it will take more time and the drug itself for the body to recover again. Therefore, the reception can be divided into different courses, each of them has its own dosages.
The easiest course - involves taking the drug for 15 days at 50 mg of clomid, and after another 15 days at 25 mg. A very difficult course requires 3 days of 150 mg of clomid, then switch to a course of 12 days of 100 mg of clomid, after 15 days of 50 mg and the next 15 days of 25 mg of the drug. Also, in a specific case, an average course is written, light and heavy, which have their own dosage and duration of admission.
Clomid combination
In some cases, Clomid is used not after, but directly during the period of anabolic courses - this approach is appropriate when the courses are of a long duration.
You can also add 40-60 mg of tamoxifen per day - this is if the course of steroids was long.
Side effects and contraindications
- Clomid is contraindicated in case of renal or hepatic insufficiency, tumors or hypofunction (excessive activity) of the pituitary gland, individual intolerance to the substances that make up the drug.
- Exceeding the dose can cause headache, insomnia, nausea, slow motor or mental reactions. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur.
- Clomid from the Balkans is an affordable and relatively safe drug necessary for rehabilitation therapy after anabolic cycles.
Reviews of athletes about Clomid
Until this moment, there was no negative feedback about Clomid. And this is natural, because this drug simply has no side effects. So far, there have been no negative consequences. Clomiphene citrate is useful and will become a real helper for athletes, athletes who need to recover from taking strong steroids and at the same time incur minimal losses. Thus, taking Clomid allows you to restore the independent production of testosterone, but it is worth considering the intensity of the course of taking steroids in order to get the desired result as quickly and efficiently as possible.
- Active ingridient
- Clomiphene
- Purpose
- Restore testosterone production
- Suitable for beginners
- Yes
- Suitable for men over 50
- Yes
- Suitable for women over 50
- According to the doctor's prescription
- Delivery area
- Ukraine
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